Viirand Family

Our journey started just days after his birth in a tiny community hospital in the rural south.  He was in my arms within minutes of his birth, the flurry of nerves interrupted by his piercing gaze as he took a long, slow look into my eyes.  His older brother bounced nearby, eager to get a look at the little brother he’d always wanted and already loved, while their doting father fumbled with the camera to document it all.  At last, our family was together.  Read More...


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Dan & Melissa

One night at a get together with people from our church we talked to the couple who had given us the name of the adoption agency. We asked them "how’d you handle this waiting, and hearing nothing?" They said "God works in mysterious ways; you never know when it might happen". 

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Kevin & Amy

We were amazed when after only three months and a few referrals, a birthmother chose us.  We had received her information first and were very excited--she was in her early 30s, in good health, had not taken drugs or smoked cigarettes or used alcohol during the pregnancy, and had a pretty uneventful medical history.  We mailed the profile packet off to her adoption agency right away, and in less than a week, we got the call that she had chosen us. 

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Rob & Rachel

After several years of trying to have a baby on our own and several attempts with fertility treatments, Rob and I decided that adoption was the right path for us. Rob had always wanted to adopt but I wanted to try for a biological child first. When we did finally decide to go the adoption route, we chose to take a class called Adoption Discovery at one of the local churches. It was a great resource for explaining the different adoption options and led us to choose domestic voluntary infant adoption

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